Sunday, October 30, 2011

God's Best in your Life

I believe the greatest prayer is to be able to hear the Holy Spirit of God clearly, constantly, not to be distracted from Him, and in perfect obedience to Him. When this is perfected (as close as is possible) we bring a great big grin to Fathers face, and great joy to His heart.

Now this prayer isn't easy or nearly as simple as it seems. It will require great change on our part. We will have to go through the refiners fire and be cleansed of the dross that blocks the Holy Spirit in our life. We will stumble and fall so many times in the beginning but these fall will diminish as we are changed. Many times we will have to be chastised to get our wandering attention back to Him, but it will all be worth it. Remember, the Father chastises the son He loves. Because without that chastisement, we will not turn back from our distractions and will continue on a path less acceptable to this goal.

Ask for God's best, because it is His desire for you. But when you do, be prepared for some major breaking and changing, which is required of us all. Some want it bad enough to go through it, but all too many want to coast on grace. It is a choice between comfort and God's best. It is a choice between being mediocre at best or being all you can be in Christ Jesus. Amen. So it is. How do I know? Because I have been going through it for 30 years. Is it worth it? There is nothing better nor even near it in the entire universe.

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