Sunday, May 27, 2012

God’s Greatest Act of Awesome Power.

Our God is the one true and only God. He has created the universe and everything in it by His spoken Word alone. And by His spoken Word, all things remain/stay created. But the universe is not His greatest creation. For by His own hands He created man out of creation, which is the dust of the earth. This fact alone should put all men on their knees in recognition of His Holy awesomeness. However, this too is not His greatest test of power and strength.

You see, He gave man and the angels free will to choose righteousness or evil. So 1/3 of the angels and Adam chose evil instead of God. For the angels, that was unforgivable. For they have walked with God on His Holy mountain. They watched Him in His awesome Glory create the Heavens and the earth. Then they watched Him create mankind with His own two hands. They have walked in His presence since the day they were created. They have known His awesomeness from the day they took their first breath. And still they turned from Him and chose evil.

Mankind represented by Adam, on the other hand, has never experienced the awesomeness that the angels had been privy to. Sure Adam walked in the garden with God in the cool of the day, but Adam never saw God create the entire universe. Adam never saw God create anything with His own two hands. Adam had never walked with God in His Holy Mountain. Nor had Adam ever experienced the awesome works of God as did the angels. So the angels having no excuse were cast down out of Heaven with no chance of forgiveness or reconciliation. They knew God in a way that Adam had not experienced and still chose rebellion.

Therefore God had pity on man and gave him great favor with God because He had not known God in these great and wonderful ways, and a plan of restoration was formed by God beginning at the very moment of Adams fall. This leads us to God’s greatest act of power over all of the others of His great works, which is His act of mercy, long suffering, and total restoration for fallen mankind. He created grace, which is God’s un-merited favor. It could never be earned, but only given. And as all other gifts, it had to be received by mankind in order to obtain its awesome power.

Grace is shown to be the greatest work of God. It is the only power that is able to restore the relationship between God and His greatest work; mankind. None other of His awesome powers can do what that one wondrous act of might and power does.

Because the angels had witnessed God in such great ways, they had no excuse for their rebellion and therefore are condemned to an eternal dyeing death. I believe it is one reason Satan and his angels are so angry with mankind and wants our (God’s and mankind's) destruction. For they now know what it is like to be absent from God’s glory without having man’s hope of reconciliation. Man on the other hand is experiencing separation from God without ever having walked with Him as did the angels. When God allows a glimpse of His glory to shine on mankind, man immediately recognizes what the angels had not recognized before their fall. They had never experienced separation from God. This small and tiny glimpse of God by man has made us thirsty with great thirst for the full presence of God. And man now recognizes that there is hope for an eternal future with his beloved Creator.

I believe that this hope is what makes the fallen angels so maniacally angry with God and man, desiring both God’s and our destruction. This is why we are in a constant battle with Satan and his angels. It is a battle for life with God which the fallen angels will never again experience, or eternal death which is the fallen angel’s certainty.

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